Friday, January 29, 2010

I am not AFRAID....

Lord, thank you for the peace that you bring to my life. This road often finds us experiencing rocks and bumps that appear to be strong enough to flatten our tires of will, confidence and strength. You alone are the soource of my motiviation to reach forth and to continue pressing towards the mark you set forth for me to win. I look at the ground i've covered and recognize that my feet were often not the ones who were walking on that road, but you were carrying me through those seasons. i am not afraid of tommorrow nor am I in fear of what it holds, because you are there and you hold it all in the pal m of your hands. Thank you for the confidence to live and the assurance to trust you more. I'm in Love with loving you!

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.
II Chronicles 16:9a

Thank you Lord,

-Soulworshiper (But you know me as son and friend)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Living Life Fulfilled and Free!

....God's way. There are so many different ideas and opinions that exist in modern society on how to live and how to become what you were born to be. What could be better than doing it the way of the creator. God has provided all that we need to achieve and accomplish what we were made for. He has articulated this information in His word and it is free to read and yours to recieve. Be blessed as you realize, recognize, and respond to God's Way!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Face those fears....

Fears come because we question our ability to accomplish what is set before us. When we remind ourselves that God is the source of our strength, it should provide us with the confidence that we need not be afraid. He is Lord and ruler of all.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Flesh of My Flesh gets my best!

God has blessed me with an awesome wife and two beautiful children. I owe Him my life, and that's exactly what I am daily yielding to Him. I realize more and more each day how blessed I am and how good God is to me. With that in mind, I have learned to place her at the top of the list (just below God) and above all others in my life. As the the Lord commands me to love her just like Christ loves the church and gave His Life for it. It requires a high esteem and reserved place of my heart that only she could fill. i am thankful today more than ever for the gift of God in my life in the person of my bride...and I anciously anticipate the years to come.

12 years this March!


Friday, January 22, 2010

A moment of praise: There's No God Like Jehovah...

The mystery of a God who creates and prepares, and empowers. The glory of a God who sees all, and knows all, and hears all, and is Lord of all. The power of a God who covers all, and is all!

That's the God we serve...and there's noone Like Him.


Step away from the fence....

Hold unto to what you have. It's always easy to look over the fence and believe that over there is better than over here. Take time to recognize the beauty in what you already have. The trick and deception of this american dream society is that more is better. Ask a few scandalized celebrities and athletes. I guarantee they will inform you that peace and contentment is definitely great gain. The word says it this way...."all is vanity...." and "But godliness with contentment is great gain" (I Timothy 6:6). Start today to appreciate who you are and who you have in your life. Be steadfast and know that what is for you is finding its way to thankful and grateful and expects its arrival. God Bless!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Keys to Success...

"The truly happy people are those who carefully study God's perfect law that makes people free, and they continue to study it. They do not forget what they heard, but they obey what God's teaching says. Those who do this will be made happy."

-James 1:25 NCV

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Challenge is an indication....

....that your life is getting ready to change.
Lift up your head, and be's turning
around in your favor!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who are you Blocking from the Love of God?

People can be cruel, judgemental and down right nasty at times. There is a tendency of some to forget their own past and take the platform that seems to imply that they are free of any mistakes. They forget that only yesterday, they were held in the clutches and grips of failures, sins, and degradation only to have someone stop by with a word of hope to bring them up and out. Furthermore, they may forget that after recieving such great reconciliation, they found themselves again trapped and fallen into yet again more disgrace....yet the love of God continues to show them mercy and faithful unmerited favor. God seems to recieve them and accepts them...and therefore, who are you or I to turn them away and or look down upon them as if to count them out. We have not the right nor the privilege to do such a thing and we must daily recall the grace of God upon our own lives...for it is still His breath we breathe and His strength and power that gives us movement. Repentance and confession brings restoration to fellowship with God...stop trying to block the embrace of the Lord. the Word declares....NOTHING shall seperate us from the Love of God...maybe just from the love of people. Whatchu say?


WorshipIdea: Time To Leave Your Church?

WorshipIdea: Time To Leave Your Church?
by Don Chapman

Download a 5 minute audio podcast of this article [2.12 MB]

Yesterday I talked to a worship leader who told me he was planning on leaving his ministry. It's typical for January - worship leaders have come off a stressful month and many are just plain in shock. Shock and stress alone are no reasons to leave a ministry. Over the years I've found two major indicators of when I should expect to see a change.

1. Restlessness. I have a cousin who was a pastor in a fairly well known, affluent historic church in a major city. Things were going great and he was happy as can be. But restless. He said he felt change was coming. His church was wonderful, but my cousin had taken it as far as he could and things had plateaued. Sure enough, a few months later he took the call to another church across the country where he's been happily ministering.

Some people in ministry take the Apostle Paul approach - their gift is to help struggling ministries get healthy. then when the church has stabilized they move on to another struggling ministry.

Or maybe it's as simple as a worship leader growing in his or her own faith, realizing there's more to life than trying to politically please a stagnant leadership, and yearning for a church on fire where they can get busy for God.

2. Frustration. I had been working in one church for a few years and was as happy as a clam. A friend asked me "why are you still here at this church?" and I replied that I was having the time of my life and had no plans of leaving.

Two weeks later a new elder was elected who had an obvious vendetta against me. I suddenly went from doing everything right to being constantly "in trouble" - everything was wrong, from the songs to the style to the flow. I received another offer and was gone in 6 months (the same elder then proceeded to chase off the youth pastor and assistant pastor.)

There are two morals to this story. First of all, a message to the congregation: if things are going great, keep an eye out for certain pesky elders and deacons who are looking for trouble where there is none. Many of them are unfortunately chosen because they are simply successful businessmen and not Spirit-led. Encourage and defend your staff because they are probably under constant attack and criticism to the point where they wonder "why bother." That, may I add, is why churches are desperate to find good worship leaders - most have quit! I had three emails last week alone from churches looking to fill music positions.

Second of all, notice that I didn't go out looking for something else - I was given an offer. When I'm called to a ministry I assume I'll be there for the rest of my life. My personal modus operandi is to not make a move until God makes it for me - I've never once looked for a church job. This is a major confirmation as to whether I should endure a situation (and try to improve it) or leave.

If I were ever to see this elder again, I'd thank him for running me off. As Joseph said in Genesis 50:20, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good." If I hadn't left that ministry I would never have gone to Seacoast Church, would never have met Chris Sligh, would never have driven him to all his American Idol auditions, would never have had the exciting, wild ride of a lifetime with the hoopla of Season 6 and would never have had the chance to work with legendary producer Brown Bannister who crafted Chris's recording. Yesterday morning my clock radio woke me up to "Empty Me" and I chuckled at how funny it was to be awoken by Chris's lovely voice on his hit single. I could never have planned anything this incredible on my own so I'm just fine with letting God handle it.

Bottom Line: Ministry frustrations? My simple advice is this: life is way too complicated to figure out on your own - let God lead you. Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 25:4-5

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Monday, January 18, 2010

SoulWorshiper Links

Soulworshiper Blog



To All My Facebook Friends!

All is well and I am just taking a moment to concentrate on fulfilling the purpose of God in my life. I have always been committed to loving my family, my friends, and those whom God allows my path to cross. I'd love to continue sharing with you all here on the Soulworshiper Blog site. If you'd like to stay connected and receive my daily inspirations, please join the soulworshiper community and subscribe to the blog on the right hand column of this page. Please also feel free to forward the site's link to your friends and family so that they might be blessed as well. I am committed and dedicated to sharing the Gospel thru the wonderful tools of technology. I plan to post more videos and audio files as well in the near future. Be sure and Bookmark this site and comeback every day as there will be something new for you. Well, I am so glad that we're staying connected and I pray God's choice blessings upon your life. Much Love to you and yours in this awesome new year!


No more distractions.

Are u in a place where you can hear God's voice clearly. There are so many things that fight for our attention and time while drownin out the voice of God to our ears. The word that the Lord speaks to our lives provides direction, strength and life. It's time to reasess the people, activities, and habits that are dictating our time and attention and refocus our attention towards God.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

When you're weary.

When you get exhausted with life....just remember that Jesus is faithful to be with you until the end. Look up and live!


Soulworshiper's Prayer & Tribute for Dewey Tucker! heart is heavy cause our brother Dewey is not here...the beauty that was his music has so suddenly disapeared...We know the gift you gave him and the sound that came from his heart was yours to give and his to share for you endowed him from the start.....though you know what's best and you love Him most, please Father hear our prayer...and please let him know that we miss him and love him but we know He's still playing up there.May the Lord Bless and Keep the Family of Dewey Tucker.

-Soulworshipers United!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Don't take the back seat....

It is really easy to take a second seat to the ambitions and dreams of others. We have within is us a heart that causes us to value the visions that our friends and family share with us. That is a God given natural reaction and does not have to be apologized for. However to the extent that the celebration of such becomes a blockage to those visions that have been placed inside of you and the goals you have ahead, it must be regulated. We live once and time is not as long as we would like to believe. We are held accountable for all that has been invested within us. Your talents and gifts were given you to bless,edify, enhance, motivate, transform, and revolutionize the world. We are in lack when you take a back seat to using what GOd has given you. We need what you got!
Don't make us wait too long. We love you and appreciate the gift of God in you!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ministry First......

You've got so much in you and I'm sure the start of a new year has given you so much enthusiasm to accomplish it too....Here's a perfect time to make sure that the motivations are rooted in truth, love and ministry. No frontin or side trackin in 2010....Your life, time, and gifts are too precious for foolishness.....first things first!
Much Love,


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